Radio Zurich




(Francesc Martin ; Granada 1958)

Artist who travels in painting, drawing, engraving, performative actions and seeks in his creations a slight gesture of irony and sarcasm that helps to understand the contradictions of the fast-paced modern world.

His different projects, series or collections such as Soviets, Skulls, Cannibal Poem, Eroticisms, Heal, War & Money... are signs of his restlessness and desolation due to the multiple fractures in contemporary society.

Skillful and tricky craftsman who revisits the vanguards, the naive, pop or dramatizations to give coherence to his burlesque and tender discourse

“Beyond the horizon, behind the sun

At the end of the rainbow life has only begun”

Bob Dylan- Modern Times.

“Oh yeah

Still don’t know what I was waiting for

And my time was running Wild a million dead-end streets...”

David Bowie- Changes


“Ando buscando un verso que supiese

parar un hombre en medio de la calle,

Un verso en pie - ahí está el detalle-

Que hasta diese la mano y escupiese...”

Blas de Otero- Y el verso se hizo hombre.


"It is really beautiful that form triumphs over matter, but it is even more beautiful that this triumph is not at all necessary"

Erwin Panofsky - Idea